NEXUS Background

The Nexus of NeuroTech Translation: The first event introduced the NIH Blueprint NeuroTech

Program and its mission to government, academic, and community stakeholders across the Washington-Baltimore CSA. Together with our DC partner Howard University School of Medicine, we showcased the successes of NTH-supported neurotechnologies and invited attendees to discuss the opportunity for this region to mobilize its resources to support enabling NeuroTech translation. We hosted a panel discussion on how to build a MedTech Harbor in the Washington-Baltimore CSA and the impact it will have both locally and globally. Notably, this panel will include representation from FDA’s Center for Devices and  Radiological Health Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories to integrate regulatory input elements of safety and efficacy in the medical device innovation cycle. We will close the convening with a networking event co-hosted with our community partner, Baltimore Upsurge, and research partners for Howard and APL. The event’s theme is innovation and how to create an ecosystem where groups of innovators and clinicians could collaborate to collaborate on groundbreaking technology in service to all patients.

The Nexus of NeuroTech Translation

The  event will introduce the NIH-supported Blueprint NeuroTech Harbor (NTH) incubator hub, a part of Blueprint MedTech, and its mission to engage with a diverse group of government, academic, and community stakeholders. Together with our partners, Howard University School of Medicine, and leadership from the CINTA incubator hub, we will showcase the successes of NTH-supported neurotechnologies and invite attendees to discuss the opportunity for this region to mobilize its resources to support NeuroTech translation. Panels will include representation from the executive and legislative branches, leading scientists, clinicians, patients, and patient advocates.  The meeting will end with an EquiTech networking event co-hosted with our community partner, Baltimore Upsurge, and research partners for Howard University and Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab. The event theme is inclusive innovation and creating an ecosystem where a diverse group of innovators and clinicians  can collaborate to produce groundbreaking technologies in service to all patients.


8 – 8:25 amArrival and Registration
Breakfast available
Open to Registered Guests Only
8:25 – 8:30 amWelcome RemarksSridevi V. Sarma, PhD
Vice Dean for Graduate Education & Professor of Biomedical Engineering Johns Hopkins University (JHU); Executive Director NeuroTech Harbor (NTH)
8:30 – 9 amOpening MessageBruce J. Tromberg, PhD
Director of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9 – 9:30 amAdvancement Overviews And Seedlings OverviewModerators:
Paolo Bonato, PhD, Associate Professor Harvard Medical School;
Youseph Yazdi, PhD, Executive Director CBID JHU; Dir. Innovation Core NTH

Santosh Venkatesha, MBA, Co-Dir Admin & Innovator Cores, Seedlings Co-Director – NTH
9:30 – 10:15 amChallenges and Opportunities in Medtech Development in Epilepsy PanelModerator:
Nitish Thakor, PhD, Professor JHU; Technical Dir. NTH

Steven Schachter, MD, Chief Academic Officer CIMIT; PI CINTA
Sri Sarma, PhD, Vice Dean and Professor JHU; Exec. Dir. NTH
Brandy Fureman, PhD, Chief Outcomes Officer The Epilepsy Foundation
Christina DeMur, MBA, Director Technology Development Director JHTV
Bernice Martin Lee, President and CEO The Epilepsy Foundation
10:15 – 10:30 amCoffee Break
10:30 – 11:30 amChallenges and Opportunities in Medtech Development for Substance Use Disorder PanelModerator:
Penny Ford-Carleton, MS, Director, Clinical Innovation CIMIT; Outreach Core Leader CINTA

Kelly Dunn, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences JHM
Leonardo Angelone, PhD, Deputy Director OTIPI NIDA & NIH
Travis Rieder, PhD, Assistant Director Education Initiatives Berman Institute
Michael Hite, MBA, Co-Founder & CEO, Ayuda Medical
Shel Mann, CEO Co-Founder FireflyVR
Daniel Harper, PhD, Research Investigator University of Michigan
11:30 – 12:30 pmBuilding a MedTech HarborModerator:
Bob Storey, Medtech Executive; Director of Evaluation Core NTH

Henry Brem, MD
Director Clinical Innovation, NTH
Professor & Director
Dept of Neurosurgery Johns Hopkins Medicine
Ralph Etienne-Cummings, PhD, Vice Provost & Professor JHU; Director Strategic Initiatives NTH
Samantha Tabone, Partner, Empath Ventures
Francesco Tenore, PhD, Senior Staff Engineer Applied Physics Lab
Christy Wyskiel, MBA, Executive Director JHTV
12:30 – 2 pmInvitation only catered lunchHost:
Chuck Montague, PhD, Co-Director NTH Admin Core & Eval Core
Hub Personnel, NIH, Hub Teams, and invited speakers and panelist Community building – one minute team videos
2 – 3 pmInnovator and Seedling Programs PresentationsInnovators awarded funding through the CINTA and NTH hubs will pitch their ventures.
3 – 3:30 pmPathways: Training Future Neurotechnology InnovatorsModerator:
Kebreten Manaye, MD, Professor & Chair Howard University; Director of Outreach & Pathways NTH

Byron Ford, Ph.D. Professor & Associate Dean of Research, Howard University
Annabel Segarra, Ph.D. Professor & Interim Dean of Research, University of Puerto Rico
Aza Allsop, MD, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry, Yale University
3:30 – 4 pmFireside Chat on Neurotech Innovation: AgingModerator:
Evaristus Nwulia, MD, Physician & Neuroscientist Howard University; Director of Seedlings Program NTH

Annabel Segarra, Ph.D. Professor & Interim Dean of Research, University of Puerto Rico
Eric Grigsby, MD, Founder of Neurovations
4 – 4:15 pmCoffee Break
4:15 – 5 pmInclusive Innovation in Medtech PanelModerator:
Linda Durnell, PhD, Director, iVR Lab JHU; Deputy Director Strategy NTH

Adler Archer, JD, Managing Director & Research Scientist JHU; Director of Strategy NTH
Kory Bailey, Chief Ecosystem & Relationship Officer, Upsurge Baltimore
Amy Hauser, PhD, Human Optimization Expert JH Applied Physics Lab
Heather Iliff, MA, President and CEO, Maryland Nonprofits
5 – 5:30 pmClosing RemarksModerator:
Sri Sarma, PhD, Vice Dean for Graduate Education & Professor of Biomedical Engineering JHU; Exec. Dir. NTH
Kimberly L. Jones, Ph.D
Associate Provost & Professor of
Civil & Envonmental Engineering
Howard University
Ed Schlesinger, PhD, Dean Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering
James B. Steinberg, PhD, Dean Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies
Anthony K. Wutoh, Ph.D., R.Ph., Provost & Chief Academic Officer Howard University
5:30 – 6:30 pmNetworking Happy Hour
The Capital Grille
601 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20004
Open to the Public